Men’s Department
The great King David of old when preparing to leave this earth said to his son, “Be strong and showthyself a man”
What a need there is in this hour for strong, Godly men! Oh how we need men of character that will rise to the occasion and be Godly husbands, fathers, and pillars in their respective congregations; men who will fulfill their roles and not shirk their God-given responsibilities.
Rev. Greg Hicks
Mens’ Director
The Men’s Ministry of the SCR is here to strengthen the hands of the pastors in our area and provide times of fellowship and spiritual uplift throughout the year at the annual Men’s Conference, as well as other meetings. It is the desire and prayer of Brother Hicks and the men’s committee that the love of truth and holiness will be passed from fathers to their children and that young men will be challenged and inspired to change their world!