of the worldwide Pentecostal fellowship

Greetings in Jesus Name,
Thank you for your confidence and trust, as together, we further the work of God in the Region. Heartfelt gratitude to the leaders who have forged ahead in the last few years through uncertain times. We honor those who have faithfully served and welcome those who join us in supporting the vision of revival.
Yet despite the challenges of our world, revival and growth are advancing in the Kingdom of God. Let us continue with excellence the purpose for which we are called, “for such a time as this.” The opportunity for Kingdom expansion and harvest is our pursuit in this final hour.
We encourage you to join us in the South Central Region as we walk in truth, enjoy the fellowship of like precious faith, strengthen the body of Christ, and work in the kingdom. Accomplishing this through our efforts in the Region: SCR Campmeeting, Apex Youth Camp, Church Development Services, Ladies Conference, Men’s Conference, Youth Meetings, and more.
May God richly bless your endeavors in the field of labor where God has called you. Your victories and
successes are shared by all of us in the region as we co-labor with God and each other.
Thank you for visiting our website, and we look forward to connecting with you.
In His Service,
James Townley
SCR Chairman